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What sets truly successful stock options traders apart from those who never realize their dreams? Is it a particular set of habits or special rules? An increased appetite for risk? Skill at charting? Plain old smarts? No doubt each of these factors plays a part in a day trader’s achievements, but perhaps underlying all of these differences is a particular and profoundly powerful mindset.
The fundamental difference between the wildly successful and the merely mediocre stock option trader is not any inborn characteristic or individual learned behavior, but how we think about skills and learning in general.
Can People Really Change?
Some folks, it seems, think that, basically, when it comes to skills and abilities, you get the hand you’re dealt, and that’s that. You are, however smart you are, however hard working, and there’s little to nothing you can do to change these fundamental characteristics of your personality. That’s called a “Fixed Mindset”.
Other people know differently. Those with the opposite view, called a “Growth Mindset“, believe that with effort, training and perseverance, you can expand your knowledge, broaden your daytrading skills, improve your odds, and overcome reversals. The key to successful trading is not inherited talent, or skill, but good, old-fashioned hard work on their skills and attitudes. Guess who ends up more successful?