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Nine modules in Bluecloud App Formula:
- MODULE 1: Background on myself. Complete Course Outline.
- MODULE 2: Introduction to the app store. Choosing a business. Examples of app success.
- MODULE 3: Rundown of what you need. Resources we use. Setting up your developer account.
- MODULE 4: What are the winning app ideas? What are the best niches? How do you do research in the app store?
- MODULE 5: App Templates 101. What you need to look for when buying a template. A walkthrough of Chupamobile and Code Canyon.
- MODULE 6: Outsourcing Overview. How to find an amazing team. How much should you spend putting your team together?
- MODULE 7: iTunes Connect walkthrough. How to create awesome icons and screenshots.
- MODULE 8: App marketing 101. Massive accountability with the marketing checklist.
- MODULE 9: An overview of how to MONETIZE your apps.The best pricing strategies to make you the most profit.
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