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Value: $200
Download Size: 1.59GB
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What we will get from this course:
- START a full time business at Udemy
- BUILD a full time business teaching online at Udemy
- TRANSFORM your online school teaching into a full time business
- TAP into the power of Linkshare as a Udemy affiliate
- CREATE and BUILD your students list
- CREATE backups of your online schools
- CAPTURE email addresses of students outside of Udemy
- CATCH a vision of what Udemy can do for your business
- DO EFFECTIVE marketing to build your loyal list of students
- USE the Bonus lecture in Udemy wisely for your marketing
- OPTIMIZE sales growth during the year
- WORK around the cycles of sales metrics
- TAP into the five power hourses of Udemy
- MARKET effectively with your courses and launches
- LAUNCH your courses to New & Noteworthy
- GET featured in the TOP Paid for Udemy to promote for you
- WORK smart as a Udemy Affiliate
- MARKET to people who want to take online courses
- TAKE ADANTAGE of doing deeplinks as an affiliate
- MUST build loyal lists of followers for a business
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