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“147 More Reasons You Must Get Your Hands on Yanik Silver’s Ultimate ‘At-Home’ Internet Copywriting Workshop!”
1. The most valuable moneymaking skill in the world! (It is responsible for building massive fortunes practically overnight. Transforming “down-and-out” entrepreneurs into multi-millionaires and saving struggling companies from bankruptcy. Yet… most business owners overlook it completely!)
2. Exactly what to do before you sit down to write one word of your promotion! (Just about everyone tries to skip this first step… but… it’s critical if you want to craft ales messages that produce jaw-dropping results!)
3. How to ethically “steal” the best copy nuggets from your competition… without… them knowing about it! (Practically guarantees an instant success anytime you got into new markets!)
4. How to pinpoint the specific reason a customer will NOT buy from you and manipulate that knowledge into a convincing sales pitch that compels them to whip out a credit card on the spot!
5. Five objection-buster questions to ask yourself prior to writing your Internet sales letter to eliminate common order-stalling doubts almost every customer secretly harbors!
6. Where to find the “Big Idea” behind your product guaranteed to capture attention and send prospects tearing through your ads to find out more! (It may be the biggest underground secret.)
7. Why you must sell “free” as hard as you can! Plus a little trick that makes free offers appear so enticingly valuable prospects can’t pass them up!
8. How to apply the “PA Continuum Scale” technique to position your product or service perfectly to the market you’re after… even if… they don’t know they want or need what you sell… and… attract a swarm of new customers as a result! It’s one of the advanced copy strategies legendary copywriter Gene Schwartz used to produce billions in sales!
9. How to create offers that practically force people to shell out big bucks for higher priced products… even when… you give them a lower price option! (Learn how world-class Internet marketers make people eager to cheerfully spend more money. Put this cash-multiplying secret in your copy arsenal and boost sales by 500%… 1,000%… or more!)
10. The very best type of premium to offer – you’ll instantly TRIPLE response!
11. The best way ever discovered to induce people to take immediate action! Yanik discusses a simple psychological secret (proven by scientific studies) to get anyone to do almost anything you ask!
12. A sneaky (yet perfectly ethical) way to convince people to give you glowing testimonials before they buy your product! You’ll laugh out loud for not thinking of this yourself!
13. How to boost Internet sales by at least 22% automatically! (Just add a single element within your website copy and watch what happens to your bottom line!)
14. Why your website will sell more when you let people “step behind the curtain”! This copy strategy was discovered nearly a century ago… and… it works even better today! The masters of advertising have all applied it and here’s how you can too!
15. How to inject white-hot enthusiasm and sales appeal into “shop-worn” offers your market has seen over and over again!
16.The driving force behind every sale ever made since the dawn of mankind! (Whether you’re writing online or offline copy… once you unleash the power behind this concept… making sales will be a piece of cake!)
17.How to emotionally connect with your target market by entering the “conversation in their mind”! (Instantly makes your customer respond like Bill Clinton in a roomful of bikini-clad interns!)
18. How to use the time-tested “Higher Authority” negotiating gambit to increase sales when offering limited bonuses!