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Dear Friend,
If you are ready to leave all the B.S. behind and get serious about making real money online, from the comfort of your home, this may well be the most important few minutes of your life.
You are about to see how to build and grow a multi-million dollar business that is sustainable, scalable, and is built on rock-solid billion dollar business growth principles gained through the blood, sweat, and tears of some of the best marketing minds who ever lived.
If you own a business, or are involved in the writing or development of marketing materials that absolutely must bring home the bacon and add dollars to the bottom line…
Or want to become a high-paid copywriter or create your own successful online business. This is definitely for you!
Because you are about to go on a journey of discovery that will open your eyes to the copywriting and sales marketing super-powers of the best of the best. Things that until now have been kept locked away as the secret weapons of marketing’s elite.
You are going to hear the eye-opening, jaw-dropping, and sometimes gut-wrenching truths about how the biggest companies and the most successful entrepreneurs on Earth make this look so easy while others struggle just to stay afloat.
Sit back and settle in, my friend, because within this one letter are the secrets that have been used to acquire untold wealth and have made people rich beyond the dreams of avarice.
By the time you are finished reading this, your head will be exploding with possibility. Flooded with ideas.
And you will know you have finally found the missing links that have been holding you back all these years.
- You are going to learn tested and proven methods for growing your business in ways no one has likely ever shared with you before.
- How to write advertising copy that converts at a level that makes you an unstoppable force in any niche, any industry.
- How to weave your story and your business into your prospects’ lives in a way that makes them a customer for life. How to find, nurture, and grow prospects that are as passionate about what you sell as you are.
- How to know the precise moment to ask for the sale and how to ask for it in a way that makes more money by spending less.
- How to speak to your prospects in way that builds on their hopes, dreams, fears, and problems and that makes you the lifelong friend and ally the have been searching for.
- How to drive hordes of hungry targeted traffic to your offers at the lowest possible cost.
- How to use the power of persuasion to get almost anything you want in life.
I want to start by saying this right up front, and I want you to really think about it. There is only one Internet.
We all use it daily, and if you are reading this you either use it to make money and want to make more, or maybe you hope to start using it to make money.
Many have tried, struggled, and failed while others have made hundreds of millions of dollars with it.
Same Internet. Very different results.
We also all use words every day. Yet for some they are just that. Words.
For others, those who have made fortunes, they are a tool that brings them riches, fame and success.
In this case, different words, but still just words. Very different results.
So understand this. No one has any advantage over you except for knowledge. Knowledge of how to use these two things to get what you want.
Today you are going to get that knowledge.
So if you want to learn the secrets others have used to make a fortune in business, particularly in online businesses, this will definitely be the most important letter you will ever read. So please take this very seriously.
Because today, you are finally going learn the techniques, strategies and methods that could help you make an absolute fortune in any niche, in any business, and it is a level playing field starting right now.
You Have Just As Much Of A Chance Of Getting Rich From What You Are About To Discover As Anyone Else Reading This.
For The First Time In History, Several Of The Most Successful Business Minds Of Our Time Pull Back The Curtain To Reveal The Real Secrets Behind Making Money Online.
- If you have a dream about one day having a sustainable, scalable business capable of supporting you in a very comfortable fashion…
- Or if your dream is turning the business you currently have into an empire and becoming wealthy.
- Of being the captain of your own destiny and enjoying the prestige, freedom, and power that comes with successful entrepreneurship.
Gary Halbert Knew Things About Making Money That Could Fill A Volume Of Encyclopedias.
Unfortunately Gary passed away before he could share all of the amazing breakthrough knowledge he possessed with the world. And that could easily be the end of the story.
But fortunately for you and me, it is not.
I’ll tell you why that is in a minute, but first let me ask you something…
What if you could learn how to easily get as many people as you want, to give you as much money as you ask for, any time you want?
Would that change your life?
What if you could get as much traffic as you want to your website at a price that pencils out, and then convert those people into buyers and turn a big fat profit in the process? And repeat it over and over.
What if I told you that you are about to learn about something that could make all of that possible?
Keep reading because a wealth of information is about to unfold before you that only a handful of people on Earth know. And they are very wealthy people as you might guess.
The combined knowledge of the people you are about to meet, and who are going to share that knowledge for amassing fortunes with you, is absolutely mind-blowing!
- How to use Gary Halbert’s starving crowd philosophy, put on steroids, to make sure they are all the most ravenous buyers you could possibly hope for.
- How to use PPC from the probably the most knowledgeable person on the planet so you cut the head off ad waste and zero-in on making a huge profits every time.
- How to write sales copy that speaks directly to your prospect’s inner fears and desires and makes buying from you not only the logical solution, but the only solution.
- How to dive deep into your potential customer’s emotions and learn what it is they really want. I can assure you, it is not what you think.
- The 5 step process to finding out if a new product has any chance of ever making you money before you ever spend a dime.
- The irrational thing that really drives the market and how to capitalize on it in a way that puts you miles ahead of your competition.
- How to get in front of the exact right people, at the right time, every time, with your offer.
- How to make your prospect feel that they just unearthed the solution they have been seeking all along the minute they see your offer.
- How to finally use social media the right way so it actually adds dollars to your bottom line.
- How to open the flood gates and get volumes of traffic to your offers without spending a fortune to do it. You will learn how to not only buy traffic at a fraction of what the uniformed pay but also how to buy the right traffic.
Please allow me to make a couple things quite clear.
This in not just another copywriting course, though it does contain two of the best ones we think has ever been offered anywhere, at any price.
This is about providing you EVERYTHING you need to grow your business and possibly even make your fortune! But nothing is more important than your message.
As you will soon see, nothing is more powerful, and can make you rich faster, than the words you use.
The late Gary Halbert knew how to use words to get people to take action at a level few who came before, or after him, ever achieved.
It was truly remarkable how everything he wrote didn’t just exceed sales expectations but made them explode in a way that defied understanding.
The biggest complaint he heard from his clients was about their ability to fulfill the orders that were flooding in so fast they could not take the customers’ money fast enough.
You are about to get access to a rare and little-known three-day seminar where he will share exactly how he did this. That and a treasure trove of moneymaking wisdom that alone could easily be worth many fortunes to you.
You will also learn how to use the power of persuasion in the words you use to communicate, in every medium, in every form of communication you use, to let everyone have YOUR own way!
And that’s just for starters…
We haven’t even scratched the surface of why this may be the most important money-making, business-building, wealth-accumulating, stress-reducing and time-saving marketing course ever offered. Not even close, so keep reading…
At the beginning of this letter I told you that we all used the same Internet, and we all used words, but some make fortunes with them, while others do nothing of any real value.
Let’s go just a bit deeper so you understand that the big dream, the good life, is attainable for anyone. That includes you, by the way. The fact that you are still reading proves you have the one thing you need that I can’t give you today…
The desire to succeed.
That’s all you need to bring to this party. Everything else you need. and I mean EVERYTHING, will be given to you in an easy to understand and implement step by step blueprint. Follow it and it would be hard to fail.
But I am getting ahead of myself.
If all you learned about writing effective copy was what you will learn in what is regarded by many experts as the most important copywriting seminar ever held, it would put you miles ahead of your competition.
Whether your dream is to become a world class A-list copywriter or you just want to be able to look at the copy others write for you to determine if it’s as good as it can be, we have you covered.
Because you are also going to learn some copywriting and marketing secrets that Gary never shared. Well, almost never. By that I mean he never shared them with the world.
But he did share them with two people…
His sons Kevin, and Bond Halbert.