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Automatically Screen Out The Junk And Get Only Leads From Highly Motivated Sellers
Course Description
Here’s the trouble with Craigslist: 97% of the Real Estate listings are GARBAGE.
If you’ve ever tried to find a good deal on Craigslist then you already know what I mean.
With that being said, there are still amazing Real Estate deals to be had. However, you need a systematic way of sifting out the overwhelming JUNK in order to reveal the few opportunities that are real GEMS.
It’s that unique and valuable ability that my simple system will provide you with.
As Real Estate Entrepreneurs, our businesses are entirely dependent on a steady stream of quality of incoming leads. Without leads – our business dies. Still, there is a very important factor that most people miss out on:
There’s a balance between QUALITY and QUANTITY that effects your results dramatically.
Here’s what I mean –
- HIGH Volume of LOW Quality Leads = Bad. Inefficient. Dangerous. A Trap.
- LOW Volume of HIGH Quality Leads = Good. Efficient. Profitable. Freedom.
You see, it’s very beneficial to focus on a smaller pool of leads that will provide you with greater opportunity to profit. As a result, you make MORE money with LESS effort.
I can show you how to build a simple system that will give you a steady supply of HIGH-QUALITY leads from Craigslist, with full-automation, and FREE to maintain.
Using the power of Craigslist and a few other (little known) unique tools, I can show you how to build a simple system that will screen out all the junk, and provide you with top-notch Real Estate leads from the most motivated sellers.
Once your system is built, you can sit back and enjoy a supply of deals that consist of of only the very best available in your market. This course will save you time, make you money, and allow you to focus on only the very best leads in your area.
*** This is the KEY that unlocks your ability to produce quality leads from Craigslist.
Here’s why you’ll benefit from building your own Craigslist Lead-Generating System:
- It will screen out all the bogus leads – AUTOMATICALLY
- It will increase your total count of QUALITY incoming leads for your business
- It will DRASTICALLY improve your efficiency of processing Craigslist Real Estate leads
- It will provide you with ONLY the most highly-qualified, motivated seller leads
- It will help to AUTOMATE and SYSTEMATIZE your Real Estate investing business
- It will give you an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE against your local competitors
- It will save you money by effectively leveraging a NEVER-ENDING source of leads
This course is delivered in short, bite-sized video lessons. I will personally guide you through the creation, implementation, and tuning of your automatic lead-generating system.
There are no ongoing costs or memberships involved with my course. All of the required components are free and publicly available. Aside from your enrollment fee, everything else required is 100% free in every way!
The system is simple, elegant, effective, and valuable. You’ll be amazed and pleased.
What are the requirements?
- All components required are free and publicly available.
- A desire to learn, progress, and grow is all that’s required.
What am I going to get from this course?
- Receive pre-screened, highly-qualified Real Estate leads.
- Don’t waste time with un-motivated sellers and middle-men.
- Make money, save time, and close more deals.
- Save time by automatically eliminating junk leads.
- Focus on closing deals instead of sorting poor-quality leads.
What is the target audience?
- Anyone who can benefit from high-quality Real Estate leads.
- Real Estate buyers who need more purchasing opportunities.
- Investors who want to automate their Real Estate business.
- People who need to diversify their incoming lead sources.