Jon Schumacher – Webinar Mastery Academy PRO – Value $1497

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Value: $1497
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Dear Future Profitable Webinar Host,

If you are an online entrepreneur who has started hosting webinars but are not getting the kind of signups and sales that you know you should be getting, you have come to the right place.

If you are looking to start hosting webinars in your business but want to learn the right way, the “strategic” way of doing so, this is the program you have been looking for.

Maybe you have already tried hosting a webinar and it fell flat.  175 people registered but only 11 showed up and you just spent $800 on Facebook Ads, yikes…

Or maybe you’re getting people to sign up and even show up but you just can’t seem to make enough sales.  59 people were on your webinar but only 1 bought….or maybe none!

If this sounds like you, I have good news.  I have been there. I too have hosted webinars that “bombed.” But after hosting over 200 live webinars, several worth over 5-figures, I have figured out a repeatable system for getting consistent results.

If you would like to learn about a step-by-step, click-by-click, A-to-Z system for creating, promoting, and monetize your webinars, then read on.

You see, after making my first few thousand dollars using webinars, I was able hit the ground running.  Hundreds of students flowed my way and joint venture partners started approaching me to host webinars for their audiences. I started growing like gangbusters using the power of webinars and partnerships.

If I can do it, you can do it, too, with my support!

In less than a year, I generated enough income to safely leave my healthcare career, as a physical therapist, and concentrate full-time on running my online business. I have been living a life of ultimate freedom while working with amazing people from around the world.

Now, I am eager to share how I can help you take your webinars to the next level, so you can generate the cash you need to create a lifestyle you love. I am excited to introduce you to the Webinar Mastery Academy!

To Your Webinar Success,

Jon Schumacher, Creator of the Webinar Mastery Academy

Who is the Webinar Mastery Academy For?


Two Kinds of Online Entrepreneurs…


1. You are hosting webinars in your business but you aren’t getting enough people to sign up, show up, or buy from you . You are frustrated by the lack of sales and you are worried that your online business is not going to be sustainable in the long run. You are experiencing a lot of ups and downs in your income and you are looking for a reliable way to bring in new clients and customers.

2. You are looking to start hosting webinars in your business but want to learn the right way, the “strategic” way of doing so. When it comes to creating your webinar, you are unsure how to building high converting headlines and registration pages. You don’t know how to structure your presentation for maximum sales. You feel like you will be shooting in the dark.

The Webinar Mastery Academy is for online entrepreneurs who want to feel like that have a consistent revenue source month after month. To finally be able to breathe knowing that your business is going to make it over the long run.

Why the Webinar Mastery Academy is Different

The Webinar Mastery Academy is NO info product. It is an intimate school of webinar learning. A complete online experience and group coaching program with three main pillars of webinar learning.

  1. Fast Action Learning Classes: 12 stepbystep multimedia masterclasses, product development worksheets, headline templates, example slide decks, and email swipe copy. All designed to give you a complete fillintheblank
    system to create a professional level webinar campaign.
  2. An Exclusive Online Community: You can ask a SPECIFIC question at your convenience and get an answer within 24 hours (except weekends).
  3. Monthly group coaching, open office hours, and guest expert webinars for continued support and advancement of your webinar skills.

Introducing the Webinar Mastery Academy

The Webinar Mastery Academy is an online experience that will teach you the 12 core components of a successful and profitable webinar campaign. This isn’t theory or fluff. It’s not about shiny objects or flash.

This is about teaching you the “fundamentals” of strategic webinar marketing that work, and most importantly, HOW to implement them.

What You Will Learn Inside the Academy….

Module 1 – Pain, Product, Profit:

Four simple steps to selling exactly what your audience wants, every time. Learn four simple steps that will allow you to reverse engineer the entire process. Know exactly what your audience wants to buy from you on your webinar.

Module 2 – Hell-Yeah Headlines and Registration Pages:

Hook your ideal audience with conversion crazy headlines. Learn the building blocks of high converting headlines and registration pages. Create the perfect hook.

Module 3 – The Four Step Selling System:

Four proven steps to structuring your webinars for sensational sales. How you structure and present your webinar can make the difference between getting zero sales and getting a solid conversion number. Includes sample slide decks that you can follow to success. Learn a simple four step system I have used to sell our products like hot cakes.

Module 4 – The Sign-Up Stampede:

How to get people out-of-their-minds excited to sign up and show up every time. An overview of the 3 P’s of webinar traffic and when to use them. Get email swipe copy examples to make sure you send signup inducing emails to your following.

Module 5 – Double Your Show-up Rates:

Learn why a poor show-up rate is one of the biggest holes in your webinar funnel, the #1 evergreen strategy for getting more people to show up, and six different tactics to increase your show-up rate.

Module 6 – Present Like a Pro:

Learn how to give a live webinar presentation that is so engaging, your audience has to stay until the end (and your offer). Avoid the common mistakes that sabotage your webinar and steps to prepare before you go live.

Module 7 – Fortune in the Follow-up:

If done right, 70% of your sales will come after your webinar is over. Learn the three pillars of effective webinar follow-up. Includes email swipe examples and follow-up templates.

Module 8 – Knowing Your Numbers to Scale Up:

Learn the key metrics that will allow you to comfortably spend more in advertising to scale up your webinar attendance and revenue.

Module 9 – Webinar Lead Magnets and Indoctrination:

Stop flushing your Facebook advertising dollars down the drain by sending people, who have no idea who you are, straight to your webinar. Learn how to build a simple lead generation system to get the right people to your webinars for less.

Module 10 – Hosting JV Webinars:

Learn how to approach potential partners to reach new audiences and expand your business using webinars. Where to find partners, what affiliate tools to use, and the flow of a joint venture webinar are all covered here.

Module 11 – Facebook Advertising for Webinars:

Learn how to leverage Facebook paid traffic to fill your webinars without breaking the bank. Click-by-click, step-by-step screenshare tutorials that will show you exactly how to set up the three types of webinar Facebook ads. This could be a course by itself!

Module 12 – Automated Webinar Funnels:

Create a simple and repeatable automated webinar to build your audience and make sales on autopilot. Learn the pros and cons of automated webinars, when and why to use them, the tools needed to build one, and some extra considerations that are only for automated webinars.