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Digital Marketer presents T&C Summit 2014 (Traffic & Conversion Summit) LIVE from San Diego in partnership Ryan Deiss, Perry Belcher, and special guests Kevin Harrinngton, Kevin O’Leary, Neil Patel, Roland Frasier, Richard Lindner, Kamal Ravikant, Justin Rondeau, Tim Ash, Jake Larsen, and Tim Hayden.
Last years event was amazing. This year will be even more spectacular.
- Every year, thousands of startup founders, bloggers and digital marketing professionals attend the Traffic and Conversion Summit to discover one thing: What’s working NOW in Digital Marketing.
- Every year at Traffic & Conversions Ryan Deiss and his staff at Digital Marketer pull back the curtain on their business and reveal what is working “NOW” in digital marketing. At the 2014 Summit Ryan and his staff will share test results from campaigns and projects they launched this past year and Ryan will also share with you where he is taking his business in 2014.
- Traffic & Conversions is not a pitch-fest. In fact, no selling is allowed from stage. The event is all about the “Content.” Ryan and the other presenters are there to teach and to share what is working in their online businesses and you and the other attendees are there to “Learn.”
- You will receive a complete training manual of all the Power Point presentations along with additional leading-edge content delivered by Ryan and his staff at Digital Marketer.
- There will be Break-Out Sessions designed around several topics related to digital marketing.
- There will be a Q & A Session with a group of industry leaders.
- For 3 days you and over 2,000 other “Professional” online marketers will be locked in a room with Ryan Deiss and several other marketing experts who are in the trenches building businesses every day. And you get to hear how they are doing it and what is working for them “Today.”
- The Traffic & Conversion Summit is for serious business builders and it will attract more than 2,000 professional web entrepreneurs and marketers. Everyone there is looking for cutting-edge information that they can use to take their business to that next level. And they are also looking to meet like-minded people who can help them get their. Live events offer a great opportunity to network with other professional marketers and no other event offers the networking opportunities that you will find at Traffic & Conversions.
- The focus of the event will be on the two most critical components of online marketing: “Traffic & Conversions.” Ryan and the other presenters will reveal their latest strategies on how to generate targeted traffic and how to monetize (i.e. convert) that traffic.
- Every year at Traffic & Conversions there is a session called Wicked Smaht. Wicked Smaht is your opportunity to be a “Rock Star.” Everyone in the room will be given an opportunity to walk up to the mic and compete for the “Smartest Proven Marketing Trick” in the room. Ryan Deiss stated that Wicked Smaht is, by far, the favorite session at past summits. He also stated that his company has made millions from the “losing ideas” revealed during this session. Now this is going to be fun!!