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Value: $197
Download Size: 364MB
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Here’s What You Get…
The Entire 5 Module Course…
(a $985 Value)
How to target to most profitable demographics, keywords, interests, and groups so your ads are profitable from day #1…
The 3-step process for narrowing down your targeting so that only people willing and able to buy will see your ads…
The ‘Infoproduct’ Case Study…
(a $97 Value)
My Personal Ad Campaign Case Study… (a $97 Value)
The ‘Physical Product’ Case Study…
(a $97 Value)
The ‘Service Business’ Case Study…
(a $97 Value)
FREE BONUS: The ‘Perfect Facebook’ Ad PDF showing you the 3-step formula for creating Facebook ads that get clicked on more than any other so you pay the lowest prices for your traffic…
(a $197 Value)
NEW BONUS: The Fan Page Funnel Report (Normally $99)
NEW BONUS: The Retargeting Hacks Report (Normally $99)
TOTAL VALUE = $1,777.00