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Not Getting New Clients From LinkedIn?
New Program Shows You How to Grow Your Business in Only 19 Minutes a Day Even if You’ve Never TOUCHED Social Media Before
How to Leverage the Power of the World’s #1 Business Social Network to Grow Your Business Virtually Overnight!
From: Melonie Dodaro
Imagine Logging Into Your LinkedIn Account and Discovering a Steady Stream of New Leads for You to Follow Up with Every Single Day!
That’s what happened to me after I finally discovered the true power of social media… social selling… and especially social selling leveraging the gigantic database on LinkedIn.
Before learning the secrets to using LinkedIn to grow my business, I struggled to figure out the right sales and marketing tactics to attract more leads, prospects and clients.
If you’re like me, you know just how frustrating that can be.
But AFTER I dug in and learned everything I could about how to use LinkedIn to effectively grow – and MANAGE – my lead flow, my business changed.
In no time, I was asked to share those secrets with others who needed help growing their business.
At first, I was reluctant. I already had a successful business and am not one to want to claim the spotlight.
Truth be told, I’m a total introvert and prefer to spend my time alone or with just a few close friends.
In fact I think that social media has been the best invention, especially for introverts like me!
From Clueless Beginner to Author of an International #1 Bestseller – Thanks to LinkedIn!