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“How To Secretly Hypnotize Anyone And Make Them Do What You Want”
Find out Step-By-Step How To STOP Your Random Conversation And Turn It Into A Sure-Fire – No Lose Way To Influence Anyone, No Matter How Hard or What You’ve Tried Before!
By Nathan Blaszak C.H.
Director of Apply Hypnosis Center
You’re confident. You’re talking with someone thinking about what to say next, and the person is staring at you. You feel the pressure.
To the startled eyes of your friends you told earlier, you grin casually, say a few words, and presto — the person you’re talking with does whatever you command. A dream? Absolutely not.
Suppose this response was typical of every conversation you have from here on?
“When I ran across your “Apply Hypnosis” on the web I purchased it immediately. Of all the things I have bought over the web yours is surely the most valuable. I was persuading others within minutes after reading your techniques.”
-Allen Pierce, SC Disclaimer
“If you want to learn hypnosis in record speed – but don’t want to struggle with finding the right words or formula’s, get Nathan’s Apply Hypnosis kit. Instead of having to sort out what works, you’ll be met with practical applications galore. I’ve already started using the “Sneak Phrases” And guess what?… 6 people I used them on obeyed my commands. I’ve always been hit-and-miss in this department – (not knowing what or how to speak) – so I’m very pleased with the results. This kit is a godsend for anyone studying covert hypnosis like me!”
-Monica Patterson, WA
Click Here to see more rave reviews
First, let me probe a little. Then, you’ll see how you can clearly and confidently stand above everyone else socially. Marvel this letter carefully. Do your analysis, and then move into action, and consider my letter your path to superior influence.
Because when you posses such phenomenal power, you can easily, and predictably control others, secretly. This isn’t a dream!
However, I don’t just expect you to “believe me” until you’ve seen more proof.
“The Secrets of Covert Hypnosis”
It’s all how you say things… how you use language patterns – how you use words that hypnotize people while it sounds like innocent everyday conversation.
In short, it’s about how you can side-step the English language and practically make anyone unconsciously obey your commands!
Look, that’s what covert hypnosis, for the most part, is all about! By-passing the critical thinking, and psychologically commanding people to act the way you want them to!
And that’s just the start!
It All “Flies Beneath The Radar” Of Your Listeners Perception!
It’s simple: suppose you could say “special” phrases to make what you’re saying seem like an innocent conversation and get your prospect to do as you please – without them even knowing you’re doing it!?
Imagine this… You’re having a conversation with someone. You say a simple phrase to put them in a trance then simply slip any command you want for them to act on – (and they will) and they don’t have a clue what just happened or what you just did to them!
While you talk, they’re simply smiling along nodding their head thinking that you just have friendly things to say when actually – you’re just overloading their conscious mind and slipping commands for their unconscious mind to obey!
Who wouldn’t jump at this?
Just think about it: you’re in control with every word that rolls off your tongue and loving every minute of it! You’re plucking influence from all over the place that’s working for you constantly.
Because you know EXACTLY how it’s done to create hypnotic language and it feels great!
Socially, you’re in complete control because you know how to treat, talk to, and interact with others in ways that make them feel like royalty. This only makes them want to create stronger friendships with you. You’ve got them eating out of the palm of your hand and you’re loving every minute of it!
Plus, you’re having the time of your life with as many success stories as you want!
Surprisingly enough, if a situation doesn’t measure up to your standards, you move on to another technique immediately because you have an UNLIMITED supply of creative opportunities of persuasion to choose from.
All because you’ve got access to a book jam-packed with proven tools that has successfully taught you what to do and how to do it with a powerful collection of highly effective, little-known secrets for amazing hypnotic and persuasion success that work like magic.
Sound too good to be true?
Well, let me tell you:
If a once lonely anti-social guy like me can do this, so can you.