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For the first time ever, you can get a giant collection of the best works of Jerry Buchanan. This is a treasure trove of material no serious info-marketer will want to be without! A lot of “big time” info-marketers owe some credit, got some of their early inspiration from Jerry Buchanan, as I did. Now I’ve reprinted a huge collection of Jerry’s most interesting works, so you can have the same ideas and encouragement that got people like Ted Nicholas and Joe Cossman and Dan Kennedy.
Jerry started out as an information marketer by selling information in magazines.Circumstances requred Jerry to learn how to get gophers out of gardens.Once he figured out a method, it ocurred to him that others would be interested in the techniques.Jerry began selling his techniques through ads in magazines.
Here is what you’ll receive;
(1) A reprint of Jerry’s 93 page “little yellow book”, ‘Profitable Self-Publishing.’
This was the second version, and replaced the original Writer’s Utopia book.
(2) Jerry’s Course, ‘How To Make $500.00 A Day – Everyday!”, consisting of three Manuals:
(a) – Writer’s Utopia Formula, 61 pages. Takes a person step-by-step through finding markets, choosing topics to write about, advertising and selling self-published books and reports. Includes case histories, examples, success stories, some of Jerry’s articles, a little pitch for his “Inner Circle”, a primitive coaching program, $375.00 a year.
(b) – How To Sell Information By Mail Successfully., 60 pages. Includes a lot of information on actually writing info-products, doing research, as well as advertising and direct-mail.
(c) – How To Avoid 22 Costly Mistakes In Mail-Order, 16 Page Report.
(3) How To Start Publishing Newsletters, 19 Page Report.
(4) Information Marketing Sampler: How To Get Rich In Self-Publishing, 12 Page Report. This was used late in Jerry’s business, mailed to old customers, to sell his inventory of books.
(5) All the Towers Club/Info-Marketing Report newsletters, from 1992-1996, over 200 pages. This is a remarkable look at the evolution of Jerry’s thoughts and this business over a four year span.
(6) Dan Kennedy’s Notes: 50 pages of notes cross-referenced to these materials; my comments, thoughts, reminisces and stories
How much will this giant history library set you back?
That’s how Jerry would have said it: how much will this “set you back?” Of course, I’d argue it will propel you forward.
These materials — without my notes — sold for over $500.00 in their day! The Course itself sold for between $100.00 and $134.95 most of the time it was in print. Newsletter subscription was $60.00 per year. Surely they’re worth that much today. After this introductory offer, we will sell this package for $397.00. Whenever possible. we give No B.S. Info-Marketing Letter subscribers a savings, so you can reserve yours at a $100.00 discount, just $297.00, not charged until week of shipment (estimated at May 15-30.)
Of course, much of this is admittedly antiquated. Nuts-and-bolts information in these publications about postal rates, printing, typesetting and layout no longer applies. Much of it quaint. Some of it will baffle those under the age of 35 or 40. But what’s important are the principles and strategies, and the true-life stories of info-marketers .. .some you may recognize, others you will not have heard of. Out of this will come a richer understanding and appreciation for our business – but also, I’m certain, some very specific ideas you will use… find or create products, to unearth new opportunities, to make your business more successful. It is also a ‘model’ to learn from, in the folksy way Jerry bonded with his readers, subscribers and customers, which you can see and appreciate as you go from 1992 to 1996, through four years of his newsletters. There’s also lessons to be garnered from the simple way he taught, wrote, and the way he constantly encouraged his readers. My belief is that many of us err in talking over the heads of our own readers, of intimidating them instead of encouraging them. The longer we’re involved in our businesses and expertise, the more likely this is to happen. Jerry’s works are a good reminder of the need to create a good personality for your written words, and make that person a good teacher, coach, cheerleader, motivator, kind-hearted grandfather, careful critic.