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Dear fellow entrepreneur,
Stashed away in a climate-controlled storage unit hidden deep in the wooded hills of upstate New York is a secret archive containing over twenty years of studies, secret reports, manuals, interviews, seminar recordings and videos.
For over ten years, access to the cream of this collection has been available exclusively to the Internet marketing world’s most private and prestigious club: The System Club.
Until now, there were only two ways to become a member: 1) go through a System Seminar training or 2) be nominated by a fellow System Club member.
For many Internet marketers, the System Club has made the difference between success and failure.
And if you look at the success rate of our graduates compared to any other Internet marketing program, you’ll instantly recognize that we do things very differently.
The truth about success
The reality is, no single course and no one seminar can convert you from a beginner to pro or from a pro to a super successful business owner.
That’s why, unlike so many other offerings out there, the System Seminar has never promised a “magic bullet.”
Instead we offer our students the one thing we know from over 20 years of experience that works: an ongoing education that draws both on rock solid direct marketing principles and the top minds on the cutting-edge of Internet marketing.
If you’re looking for “the secret” to success in Internet marketing, it’s right there.
If you could sit down and get an honest answer from every successful Internet business owner, you’ll learn that those two items – solid direct marketing and access to top performers – are the foundation of their success.
It’s universal – and yet it’s almost impossible to find this kind of training anywhere at any price. Except for one place…
Every successful person who’s ever lived will tell you the same thing:
“Inspiration is only the first chapter of the book. Real success is what comes after.”
After over 20 years of training many hundreds of business owners in Internet marketing methods, I know this is true.
That’s why I’ve put my entire focus now on one thing: The System Club.
The core information about any business skill can be successfuly delivered in many formats – live, on tape, by webinar – but the thing that makes the difference in every single case is the follow up and that’s what the System Club is all about…
So instead of doing one massive annual event that only lasts three days, I’m turning the System Seminar into an ongoing, never-ending source of fresh information and support through the System Club.
Here’s how this is better for you:
#1 – The System Seminar was expensive: $1,995.00 (more for late registration)…The System Club is just a fraction of that.
#2 – Getting to the System Seminar was a costly hassle: round-trip airfare, hotel, time away from home…You can participate in the System Club on your own schedule without leaving your home or office.
#3 – The System Seminar was three days of inspiration and cutting edge money making know-how…The System Club is open 365 days a year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
#1 – Access to the top minds in the business
#2 – Ongoing inspiration, support and coaching
#3 – Up-to-the minute information on the newest tactics and tools
Even the best seminar in the world can’t provide you these things in a single three day period, but the Internet marketing world’s best marketing Mastermind Group can.
Every month, the System Club gives you access to world-class marketing experts through our monthly Master Class call. Many of these guest experts appear on no other calls and at no other seminars and are exclusive to the System Club.
The System Club also provides individual coaching via the monthly Second Saturday call, that I handle personally. You can present your business ideas, challenges, questions for my personal review.
I make no apologies for this fee. In fact, all things considered, it’s an insane bargain.
I have been involved in and continue to be involved in so many “rags to riches” success stories that I know the value of my time and advice. In fact, even at this rate, I am extremely selective about who I work with privately.
But there is one exception to this rule and that’s the Second Saturday System Cub coaching program.
Like the name implies, every second Saturday of the month I personally get on the phone with individual System Club members in a group setting and we work on their businesses…
Their positioning, their business models, their copywriting, and all the other things that would normally cost a business owner thousands and thousands of dollars to get help with…assuming you can even find qualified help in this area.
Lots of people talk about marketing, but few people crank out success stories year after year after year the way I do. I don’t see any reason to be falsely modest about this particular point. As the saying goes “If it’s true, it ain’t bragging.”
If you’d like this kind of access to me you could apply to my office and pay my $2000 our fee – or you can simply become a member of the System Club.
Straight, unbiased talk about Internet marketing tools.
Getting this one thing right can make the difference between massive success and frustrating failure.
Too much of the “information” out there about Internet marketing tools is hype-driven. In fact, it’s almost impossible to find objective analyses about available tools…
…unless you’re a System Club member.
Every month we review the latest tools, not to hype them, not to sell them, but to simply and dispassionately explain how they work – the good, the bad, the ugly – so you can make RATIONAL decisions about what to buy.
We call this monthly program Tech Talk.
For example, in recent calls we’ve covered:
- Google’s new focus on fonts and how you can use them to boost response
- Where to find the best pay-per-click managers and how to pay them based on performance, not hot air
- Free and low cost tools that turn WordPress into a finely tuned marketing machine
- Which social networks will boost your response rates and which ones should you ignore
- The right way to design a mobile website and why you should get mobile saavy now