Power of Thin – Steve G. Jones – Value $29.97

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With over 250 pages of life changing, empowering information, this e-book contains everything you will ever need to know about losing weight and getting in shape or any other goal related to attaining optimal health ….period!

First, you’ll gain access to the patented hypnosis techniques by world renowned hypnotist Steve G. Jones, so that you can reprogram your subconscious mind to operate in alignment with your new life style.

Then, you’ll gain access to the years of deep research conducted by consumer health advocate Frank Mangano and his team so that you know what foods and resources you should really be turning to once your mind set has changed.

Then you will discover the same formula that Steve and Frank have used to attract everything they desire into their lives, so you can attract the body, mind and level of health that you so rightly deserve but have yet to experience.

Let’s take at what will be revealed in the 250 plus pages in this amazing e-book and more importantly how it will change your life forever.

The Key To Hypnosis And Weight Loss – Here Steve will take you step by step through ha hypnosis session dedicated to weight loss and the astounding effect it will have on your subconscious.

The Six Steps of You Can Attract It! – Discover the simple yet powerful 6 step process that Steve and Frank have used to enrich their lives and taught others to do the very same.

Creating The Filter – Here you’ll be exposed to a simple process that will enable you to better control what goes into your stomach.

Developing Confidence – Here you’ll discover the key to building and maintaining confidence which essential to both the attraction process and your overall quality of life.

Food Choices And Vibration Energy – Learn  5 simple questions that you can ask yourself that will better direct you to the foods that will enhance your vibrational energy (a key component to LOA).

Destroying The Patterns OF Binge Eating – Here you’ll be exposed to an in depth, step by step process to avoid binge eating (you may not even realize you are engaging in this destructive eating behavior).

The Key To Consistency In Exercise – Here you’ll learn why most people fall of track when it comes to exercise and what to do about it so you don’t fall into the same trap. You’ll also learn about some very non-traditional and exciting forms of exercise.

Motion Creates Emotion – Discover the MCM principle and the profound effect it will have on your state of health.

10 Best Superfoods  – Here Frank will tell you the top 10 foods that no human being should ever be without, how they will transform your state of health almost instantly and give you 5 different ways to get each of them into your diet easily.

10 Foods You Should Never Consume Again – Knowing what to avoid is just as important as knowing what to take in. Here Frank will tell you about the devastating effects of some foods that many people consume on a daily basis! One of the most popular of these poisons can even be used to clean toilets effectively.

Eating Right Vs. The Right Kind Of Eating – Here you’ll learn how to completely change the paradigm through which you see food forever using the effective 12 step process that Frank and Steve have created.

Plus an arsenal of over 50 delicious healthy recipes using some of most powerful foods on the planet!!

How that is for a detailed blue print of everything you will ever need to achieve all of your weight loss and health goals?

Can you understand how and why what you see before you is differ than anything else I the world?