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Quit Your Job – Invest Full Time
“How A Complete Newbie Used This Simple Technique
And Made $14,554 In 14 Days Buying Real Estate”
… and he started with no money, bad credit,
zero experience, and he never left his home.
From the Desk of Joe Crump
Indianapolis, Indiana
Dear Friend,
Recently, I took on a challenge.
I promised that I would take one random person by the hand and show them how to make $10,000 within 60 days, using my astonishingly simple investing techniques… and do it without using credit, without using any money for down payments and without leaving the comfort of their home.
I held a free telephone conference call (almost 500 signed up) and I stuck my hand into the hat and pulled out Michael Brickhouse. Mike had absolutely NO EXPERIENCE in real estate investing. He didn’t know me from Adam and he didn’t know any of my staff… he just saw what I was offering and decided to enter.
We got him started immediately. He was READY to go.
He NEVER used his credit (it wouldn’t have mattered if he had bad credit) he NEVER used down payments and he NEVER even had to leave his home!
In LESS than 14 DAYS, Mike Brickhouse from Virginia, made over $14,000 using my step-by-step, simple techniques!
Here is what he had to say:
I made more in the last 2 weeks in real estate than I made on my job in the last 6 months!
-Michael Brickhouse – Chesapeake, Virginia
But one person could be a fluke… right?
Maybe I just got lucky and pulled an “Einstein” out of the hat. So… to prove that ANYBODY can do this, here’s what I did next…
At one of my recent “Real Estate Buying Events,” I put 48 of my students in a conference room, most of them still “wet behind the ears” regarding real estate investing, and, in about 2 hours, I showed them how to buy properties using my easy methods.
That same day, those 48 people put together deals on 97 properties from all over the country, in just a few short hours.
Am I starting to get your attention? ?
Right now, I’m going to reveal to you the “Secret Formula” that will enable you to establish a highly profitable real estate investing business within the next 30 days… then please read every word of my personal letter to you.
It will give the complete summary of some of the most guarded secrets of real estate investors… secrets that you can begin to use immediately to sky-rocket your profits and income to new record heights… and amaze everyone you know… even yourself.
After you become “armed and dangerous” with this powerful inside information, your competition won’t stand a chance… because they will never understand what you are doing.
More importantly, you’ll know for the first time in your life and professional career that you’re in control… of who you work with… of how much you work… and of how much you want to make!
You can finally stop watching those late night “Real Estate RICHES” Infomercials, or reading those “How-To-Buy-A-Ton-Of-Real Estate” courses, or listening to endless hours of “Experts” on tape… or even chasing after stupid “Gimmicks”… that really have no chance of working in real life… where you and I work everyday.
My private system for real estate success is designed specifically for those investors who are tired of being ripped-off, misled and manipulated by con artists and “traveling salesmen”… that push products and not results.
Proof That It Works
ONE: I, personally, used the critical inside information that was revealed to me by multi-million dollar real estate investors and super successful entrepreneurs and businessmen… to go from dead-broke… with no money… no experience… no credit… no knowledge…
…to buying over 17 Million Dollars in real estate my first three years in the business!
TWO: Over the past 6 years, I have sold over $30,000,000 (yes… 30 million dollars) of real estate for myself and for my real estate clients. I have an enormous amount of 1st hand experience in the business of real estate. I currently work in the field every day buying and selling property. There is no substitute for experience and knowledge.
THREE: I don’t hide behind a P.O. Box or an email address. My office number is (317) 598-1220. It is my direct line (it goes right to my desk! – try it if you have serious questions) And it isn’t going to change anytime soon. You can reach me there during the hours I work (usually 3 or 4 a day)
If I can use the powerful information revealed in my toolkit to accomplish these feats (being, “the greenest, most naive first year real estate investor I’ve ever seen,” ) … YOU can too! But with less pain and suffering than I went through.
By following in my footsteps, you won’t have to reinvent the wheel… you won’t have to make all the mistakes I made… you won’t have to continue to pour your hard earned money down the drain on untested and unproven investor “gimmicks”… you won’t have to do anything that doesn’t produce results and put cold, hard cash in your pocket. Isn’t that what you’re really after?
Good, because I’ve spent the last 10 years in hard work, research, sweat and determination developing a program that’s sole purpose is to show you the real key to long term real estate success… that will enable you to get on track, realize your dreams and create the kind of life and career that you’ve always wanted.
Here Is Exactly How I Am Going To
Help You Buy & Sell Real Estate…