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From: Brian Moran
Hey Guys (and gals),
Today is the big day…
My brand new course Facebook Traffic Control is finally ready for you, and I can’t wait to see the results you get because of it.
If you’re currently using Facebook to try and generate leads and sales for FREE…or you think you want to start…make sure to read this entire letter because it could change your business…and your life.
You’re about to discover how a few simple Facebook marketing techniques could finally open the flood gates to new fans, website visitors, leads, and customers…without paying for ads!
The system behind this course has been perfected over thousands of status updates across hundreds of fan pages in tons of different niches…so you can be sure it will work in your niche.
As you probably know…Facebook changed their algorithm a few years back…and it decimated fan pages across the board.
Some of us spent years building up massive followings of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of fans…all to have them basically ripped away in an instant.
And we were left with no way of reaching those fans with our message.
I almost gave up on the idea of using Facebook as a marketing channel that day, and I bet you did too.
But luckily, the story didn’t end that way…
I was forced to figure out a new way.
…a new way to attract new fans to my brand.
…a new way to generate traffic from Facebook.
…a new way to use fan pages to generate traffic, leads and sales.
And luckily, after 2 years of searching…I’ve found the answer.
It’s all about what you post, how you post it, and when you post it.
Listen, if you’re still posting the same kind of content you were 2 years ago, it’s basically worthless on today’s Facebook.
No one is going to see your posts…no one is going to like it… no one is going to comment…and no one is going to share it.
And it’s not your fault.
I don’t care how many times per day you’re posting or how awesome the content you’re posting is. You have no chance.
Facebook’s algorithm doesn’t care about those things.
And the sad part is so many of us have been falling into this trap for a long, long time.
Why ‘Engagement’ Get You FREE Traffic
But, if you know how to get your content seen…and seen by the right people…your fan page will explode.
And you’ll get more free traffic than you’ll know what to do with.
With the right ‘posting’ strategy:
- You don’t need to have a huge fan page…
- You don’t need to spend hours creating content to share…
- and You don’t need to pay for ads to get your content seen…
You’ll break right through Facebook’s algorithm and your posts will get seen by 10X…20X…even 100X more people than they are now.
Look, Facebook is hands down the fastest way to drive FREE traffic to your site, resulting in a massive amount of new subscribers, and of course, paying customers…
…if you’re sharing your content the way they want you to.
Which is why I created Facebook Traffic Control, a brand-new course that will walk you through a proven step-by-step system for posting content to Facebook, so that you can get tons of FREE traffic, almost instantly.
And it’s ready today.
Here’s What You’ll Learn Inside the Course…
#1 – You’ll discover how Facebook’s algorithm really works so that you know how to exploit it for your own gain…
#2 – You’ll discover how to quickly create amazing content to share on Facebook…content that will break through Facebook’s algorithm… leading to tons of free likes, comments, shares, and traffic back to your website…
#3 – You’ll discover how to find content that other people already made, that you can share on your fan page for free, without spending time making it on your own…while still reaping the benefits of thousands of free likes, shares, comments, and clicks to your site…
#4 – You’ll discover the 3 pieces of software we use to automate our entire Facebook marketing strategy. These tools find, create, and share amazing content on our fan pages for us…without us spending time doing any of it…delivering of a ton of free traffic without us lifting a finger…
#5 – In the ‘Pro’ version of the course, you’ll have access to my personal done-for-you Facebook posts that are optimized to get us the most free traffic.
This Facebook Post Library is perfect for the following markets:
- Service Based Businesses (gyms, dance studios, agencies, etc)
- Info-Product Businesses (ebooks, video courses, etc)
- Physical Product Businesses (t-shirt vendors, e-commerce sites, etc)
- Coaching Businesses
- And a ton more
You’ll see exactly how I setup my posting campaigns, the content I use, the tools I use to automate it, and how I set everything up so I’m not spending hours each day working on it.
#6 – Also in the ‘Pro’ version, you’ll learn our mini-system for quickly turning all those new fans into customers almost immediately so that you can actually start generating revenue, fast.
#7 – In the ‘Expert’ version of the course, you’ll get access to one of my best programs, called Promoted Posts 101, that will show you how to use Facebook’s “boosted” post features to 10X your results in 1/2 the time, if spending $10 per day on ads is something you’re up for. (100% not required)
#7 – Also in the ‘Expert’ version of the course, you’ll even get the chance to sit down with me, live, one-on-one on Skype for 30 minutes so we can walk through and setup your posting campaign so you get the more traffic possible.
Like I said, there are 3 versions of the program. “Basic”, “Pro”, and “Expert”
Here’s the breakdown of each level.
What You Get in the BASIC PACKAGE
- Module 01: The Case for Status Updates ($197 Value)
- Module 02: The Market Research Trick ($197 Value)
- Module 03: How to Hack the News Feed ($197 Value)
- Module 04: Expert Traffic Hacks ($197 Value)
- Module 05: The Perfect Post ($197 Value)
- Module 06: How to Automate Your Traffic ($197 Value)
- Module 07: The Simple Post Schedule ($197 Value)
- BONUS #1: My 5 Favorite Status Updates ($197 Value)
- BONUS #2: The Freedom Formula Report ($197 Value)
…A Total Value of $1,773
What You Get in the PRO PACKAGE
- Module 01: The Case for Status Updates ($197 Value)
- Module 02: The Market Research Trick ($197 Value)
- Module 03: How to Hack the News Feed ($197 Value)
- Module 04: Expert Traffic Hacks ($197 Value)
- Module 05: The Perfect Post ($197 Value)
- Module 06: How to Automate Your Traffic ($197 Value)
- Module 07: The Simple Post Schedule ($197 Value)
- BONUS #1: My 5 Favorite Status Updates ($197 Value)
- BONUS #2: The Freedom Formula Report ($197 Value)
- BONUS #3: Done For You Post Library ($197 Value)
- BONUS #4: How to Turn Fans Into Customers ($397 Value)
…A Total Value of $2,367
What You Get in the EXPERT PACKAGE
- Module 01: The Case for Status Updates ($197 Value)
- Module 02: The Market Research Trick ($197 Value)
- Module 03: How to Hack the News Feed ($197 Value)
- Module 04: Expert Traffic Hacks ($197 Value)
- Module 05: The Perfect Post ($197 Value)
- Module 06: How to Automate Your Traffic ($197 Value)
- Module 07: The Simple Post Schedule ($197 Value)
- BONUS #1: My 5 Favorite Status Updates ($197 Value)
- BONUS #2: The Freedom Formula Report ($197 Value)
- BONUS #3: Done For You Post Library ($197 Value)
- BONUS #4: How to Turn Fans Into Customers ($397 Value)
- BONUS #5: Promoted Posts 101 ($497 Value)
- BONUS #6: 30:00 One-On-One Coaching Call ($1,997 Value)
…A Total Value of $4,861
A Question You Need to Answer
Even if the price was $4,861…
…If all this course did was finally let you reach just 50% more of your fans with each piece of content you post…would it be worth it?
Of course.
…If all this course did was help you drive an extra 100-500 visitors to your website each day…would it be worth it?
So, here’s the deal…
The ‘Basic’ version of the course will be priced at $197.00 to the general public later this year, but since you’re a lower reader I’m making a crazy special offer, but just for this week….you can get it for just $97 today.
The ‘Pro’ version will be priced at $397.00 to the general public later this year, but since you’re a lower reader I’m making a crazy special offer, but just for this week….you can get it for just $197 today.
And the ‘Expert’ version will flat out not be offered to the general public. I just don’t have time to have coaching calls with everyone, but I wanted to give you the opportunity to get one-on-one attention if you need it. You can get access to the ‘expert’ package for just $697.
You Can Save 20% Right Now (Today Only)
Plus, for today only, you can save 20% off the purchase price by entering the following coupon code on the order page:
Just type in “SAVEBIG” and click “Apply Coupon” and the price will be slashed by 20%.
Again, this is ONLY for today. So act fast.
Well, that’s it for now. I can’t wait to see you inside the brand new members area. And I can’t wait to hear about the results you’re about to get.
With this new information, your business will change forever. See you in the members area!